
Corporate New Year Happiness-Flavored Celebrations

One of the things influencing the format and venue chosen for a corporate event, is the concept of the celebration. It can be anything: from world tour to a dynamic quest based on a popular computer game. What matters most is the general attitude of the company and maximum satisfaction of every single guest present at the event. This is the main goal pursued by SpecProject!


13 October 2014
Corporate New Year New Year Staff Party: the Secret of the Accents

So, you have already decided on the time, place, and the general idea of ​the ​New Year staff party. But! The secret of a perfectly organized event (any event, not just a corporate party) is in the due attention to details, which requires a special talent. That is why, offering customers organization of unforgettable events, we at SpecProject so meticulously work through all their accents.

13 October 2014
Corporate New Year Special format of a party

For a number of reasons, some companies choose their own offices as venues for the New Year celebrations. But even in this case it is better to turn to professionals that will invest their creativity to provide the best solution for the task at hand: entertaining the staff and giving each employee warmest and the most pleasant emotions. SpecProject has developed special event formats that make the best use of the office space and relatively modest New Year celebration budgets.

19 August 2014