PR-support and opening ceremony of OAO “Baltinvestbank” Branch in Krasnodar

SpecProject Agency organized PR-support and opening ceremony of the Branch of OAO “Baltinvestbank” in Krasnodar on July 24, 2008. Agency’s services:

1. Mass media relations

- preparation and distribution of information materials to mass media of the Krasnodar Region
- invitation of mass media to opening ceremony and press-conference
- organization of interviews with top managers of the bank
- mass media registration
- mass media monitoring
- press-clipping report

2. Organization of press-conference

3. Organization of opening ceremony
- development of the opening ceremony concept
- organization of presenter’s work, promo-personnel, musicians
- photographer’s services
- technical support of the event: sound equipment and sound operator
- catering services
- thematic decoration of bank premises according to the event concept

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